8 Ball Pro

8 Ball Pro

8 Ball Pro allows two players to compete against each other or the CPU in a classic 8-ball game. You'll get the chance to see one of the world's most classy sports from top-down in this free online game. Play against your opponents by making the most exciting shots and rebounds against the walls.

How to play

There are a few simple rules to follow. You have to put all the striped or solid balls in the holes, depending on which one goes in first. In order to do so, you must hit the white ball with the cue in order to cause it to strike the others. You must place the black ball with the number 8 once all the colored balls have been placed in the holes. The game will end if you put this before the others.

Press Start after selecting the desired match type in the main menu. Aim by moving your mouse cursor. The force of the impact can be adjusted by pressing the left mouse button. Once again, click it to unleash the strike. The goal is to pocket all the same-type balls.