FIFA Score

FIFA Score

FIFA Score is an online soccer simulation game where you improve your kicking skills with each kick and prove that you are the most talented player.

In this soccer game, you will participate in the penalty kicks, which are taken one by one into the goal. In front of the goal there will appear a goalkeeper who is quite agile and flexible, trying to block and catch the balls you kick out. Your goal is to score as many goals as possible. Attempt to score as many goals as you can while stopping to allow the goalkeeper an opportunity to catch the balls you kick. Use your agility and free kick skills to fool the goalkeeper and score as many goals as possible. You There will be three balls, each representing three turns. If you miss the shot, you will lose 1 ball and continue until you use up all 3 balls, then the game will end. It's time to show your skills. Show everyone your amazing free kicks. Have fun!

How to play

Click and drag the mouse.

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